JR Taylors Fashion Floor Launch
I think they've done it! brought JR Taylors into the 21st Century that is, it looks like a really up market store, inviting, tantalizing and welcoming, this is the view as you walk through the front door, absolutely glorious, the staff on the perfumery counters are quite lovely they adored the flowers we put in (which I have to say is the way we flower folk judge people), besides that though they were greeting customers, smiling faces and eager to help (A bit different from the JR Taylors of yester year, I know people who used to be scared of going in)
But the most amazing transformation has taken place on the top floor "Ladies Fashion" now this is truly inspirational, the merchandising is done perfectly (Anyone whose watched "Mary Queen of Shops" will know this). They have all the great brands from Chloe to Armani, Ted Baker to Olsen and many, many more, Rebecca and her marvelous team have created something of a shoppers paradise. http://www.jrtaylor.co.uk/
Carol has been at JR Taylors forever, she has always been stylish and absolutely on trend but now she looks like she's in the right environment, the setting is spot on and reflects her excellent taste. (She uses a first class florist too)
My only critisism is the sizes "That old chestnut" I hear you skinny minnies cry, but this is where I have a problem with shopping for clothes at JR's nothing fits, I am a generous 16 sometimes 18 but I'd rather not admit to it, perhaps I should treat this as inspiration and diet harder afterall I'd give my hind teeth to buy some of those beautiful clothes!
Anyway what ever your size it's worth going and having a look they have some fabulous flowers up there! and the accessories are beautiful too and if you take the stairs (Lifts are available) you could be a size 12 by the time you get there.
Flowers look fabulous as always.
love J