Pictures of Me & The Big Guy at Flower Design Events Yesterday Taken by Jonny Draper

So this is where you'll find us at the Brand New Flower Design Events HQ
5 Keystone Court
Hallam way
Whitehills Business Park
01253 727722
01253 724100

Is it wrong to say i quite like this picture??? I look happy, I'm playing with flowers what can you expect!!!
Looking slightly out of place in the office behind a computer trying to look efficient!!! you can't be good at everything eh!!!!
Thanks for the pictures JD, this posting was in honour of Sally Wilkinson!!


Adele said…
Good luck, but you wont need it - it's going to be great! When's the Grand Opening . Ive got the Champagne on ice!
Anonymous said…
Good luck Jane and Jason in your new venture.You are the best! lots of love Sue & Mike xxx
Ben Glover said…
Looking Good Guys
Linda MPH said…
Looking good! Look forward to the tour :)
sheree said…
Jane you look fab!! I need a tour! Love Sheree xxxx
Adele Eccles said…
Good Luck FD team, I can't wait to see your magical workshop! XX