Sneaky Peek at Gemma & Alex's Outdoor Wedding at Newton Hall Alnwick

The scene was set on Tuesday for this gloriously vintage outdoor wedding, the sun was shining on our beautiful Bride & Groom

Jam Jars filled with bundles of Gypsophilia hung on the chairs lining the aisle
The Groom and his Best Man were both wearing simple garden gathered Boutonnieres tied with natural jute

The Bridal Bouquet was wild, random and rustic with a plethora of fragrant Blossoms, Spring Flowers, Pussy Willow, Berries & Kiwi Vine, the handle was bound with Hessian and jute and finished with the Bride's own vintage Cameo Brooch

Huge Congratulations to the happy couple from all of the team here at Flower Design Events

The Bride & Groom were showered with paper planes as they walked down the aisle

Each table design was individually created in a relaxed garden style this "Verdi Gris" bird Bath, planted up with herbs and bulbs looked perfect on the scrubbed wooden tables
Jam jars and random vessels dressed with lace, ribbon and jute were filled with posies of fresh fragrant Spring flowers

Vintage medicine bottles, perfume bottles and drinks bottles were randomly placed on dining tables
 Liquor & Shot glasses arranged on a Cake stand each filled with an individually created posy of fresh flowers, created a perfect centrepiece

The Wedding Cake looked perfect and was topped with a posy of Forget Me Nots, Ranunculas, Thalaspi, Wax Flower Blossom and Bupleurum, the two lower tiers were dressed with cake corsages to compliment

Vintage cups and saucers filled with fresh flowers and grasses
The full story will be right here in the fulness of time!!....


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