An Astonishingly Beautiful Wedding Day at St Oswalds in Grasmere and in a Tee Pee at Storrs Hall: Lisa & Rob
As you'll know Jason & I attend a huge number of glorious weddings but this one was seriously special, mainly because our lovely friends Lisa & Rob were getting married and we felt hugely honoured and privileged to be there.
Lisa Aldersley & Rob Berry are superb and brilliantly talented wedding photographers we have the pleasure of working with them both regularly, so we knew that they have an eye for detail, exceptional taste and masses of wedding imagination and know how, so this was going to be a real treat...
Lisa's heavenly wedding bouquet in vintage pink shades included Peonies, English Garden Roses, Sweet Peas and Lily of the Valley

The perfume was indeed delectable! as is the lovely Lisa
This and many of the beautiful images throughout this posting are courtesy of the very talented Phil Barber
The iconic Church Arch frames the couple so beautifully, we included Hydrangeas, Peonies, Sweet Peas and English Garden Roses the fragrance seemed to be all over Grasmere
The Porch flowers were designed to welcome the guests with candlelit lanterns and bottles and jars filled with posies of wild flowers and grasses
Bird Cage Lanterns
Around the font at the back of Church we arranged a garland of Peonies, Roses, Hydrangeas, Heathers and Sweet peas
On the end of each alternate pew a posy of Peonies, Roses, Heathers, Grasses & Sweet Peas ensured a scented walk up the aisle for our beautiful Bride
The lovely Rachel Hayton put together all of the amazing details and stationery
The windowsills were dressed with these cute "School Milk Bottle Crates" and posies of flowers in recycled glass vases
Our Olivia had hand painted our vintage Birdcages in this vintage Turquoise shade, they were filled and surrounded with fresh flowers
Each Boutonniere was quite different, bound with various wools, yarns and ribbons
Our splendidly gorgeous Bride Groom Rob
Rob's rather special Boutonniere consisted of a David Austin Rose Kiera with fresh Lily of the Valley, Sweet peas, Oregano, Rosemary and Blackberries
Lisa arrived looking absolutely breathtaking in this fabulous little Mini
Huge Congratulations to Lisa & Rob from all of the Flower Design Events Team
The celebrations were held in the majestic grounds of Storrs Hall

The amazing PapaKata Tippee Marquee looked fabulous nestled in the woods overlooking the lake, probably one of the very best views in the world!!!

The marquee was expertly dressed with masses of exquisite detailing, both the Bride & Groom and the lovely Rachel had worked hard to achieve a very individual look!

The table flowers were relaxed and casual arranged in a random selection of bottles, jars and vintage containers each dressed in a unique and supremely clever way with Ribbons, Lace, Newspaper, Sheet Music, String and Buttons

Lovely Emma Draper of Love Bridal Boutique & Jonny Draper
Me & The not so Big Guy all dressed up!!!
Candles and tea lights were inside some of the vases but we didn't see them 'til later
Vintage Cake Stands
A Plethora of vintage Bird Cages

We had the very best of days, huge thanks to Lisa & Rob for choosing Flower Design events to create their wedding flowers, more importantly massive thanks to them for including us in such a momentus and memorable day we loved it!!!!!!!!
Thank you for making our wedding look and smell totally amazing. In out wildest dreams we could not have imagined it looking more perfect. So many of our guests commented that they had never seen flowers so beautiful.
Thanks for being so talented, so creative but mostly for being our lovely friends who we love and treasure. xxxx