Turquoise & Pink Wedding Bouquet and Table Designs

A gorgeous wedding bouquet in shades of pale pink and soft blues I included Bombastic Roses, David Austin's English Garden Rose Keira, Sweet Avalanche Roses, Astilbe in Rose pink, Ice Blue and pale Turquoise Hydrangeas, Ranunculas, Ivory Sweet Peas and soft grasses.
The handle of the bouquet is finished with cotton pink gingham and turquoise polka dot voile.

Perfum bottles and vessels filled with Ranunculas and Hydrangeas

As a table centre these hand blown glass vessels finished off with ribbons and bows are placed on a mirror in the centre of a banqueting table and filled with a selection of fresh co-ordinating flowers

 Mini "Kilner" style jar with a beautiful pink Ranuncular

 Peonies, Roses and Rannunculas in a delicate collection of hand blown glass vessels



Such a wonderful interplay between the gorgeous blooms and the different glass bottles and vases!
j ritchie said…
the blue and pink look really pretty together x
Lucinda Hargreaves said…
These cute little vases are gorgeous! Fab colour combo too! xx

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