Multi Sensory Oriental Lilies and Grasses; Table Design & Wedding Bouquet

Take two very simple ingredients firstly the exquisite Oriental Lily, the range of colours is extrodinary making it such a versatile bloom for weddings and events, the pollen issue is always a consideration, we are extremely careful to remove the pollen before the lilies are fully open and it's turned powdery. The fragrance of Oriental lilies is powerful, heady and dramatic over the years I've noticed the ladies who love and adore their scent also love and adore perfumes such as Dior's Poison or Yves Saint Laurent's Opium, it really is a flower that can transform a room or marquee by it's fragrance alone. In this particular candelabra table design we've used the oriental lilies throughout in the certain knowledge that the heat of the candles will heighten the fragrance even more, lifting it and carrying it around the room, this particular design is photographed on one of the tables in The Garden Room at Ribby Hall Village.
The wedding bouquet, such a simple design clustered open Oriental lily heads surrounded by a little filigree frippery, tiny sequins, hot pink seed pearls threaded on to the long trailing grasses, all in all a very punchy slightly retro design.
The second super ingredient is the Grasses, grasses for me in any design add a completely different dimension not only do they catch the light shining silver on one side and vivid green on the other but they also have this extra special quality; they sound good, they rustle, they tinkle, they shush and then if that wasn't enough they move beautifully, they quiver, they dance and they sashay who could ask for more from such a simple foliage.
The steel grass lengths threaded with seed pearls

The sumptuous Oriental Lily head clustered bouquet

You can see the grasses dancing as the bride moves down the catwalk
I loved the shade of this raspberry gown from the fabulous folks at Dreamcatcher Bridal in Kirkham


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