SiverDell Book Shop in Kirkham Presents, Julian Clary in Conversation with Our Very Own Peter Taylor
Jason and I dressed the stage the great people at Lowther Pavillion, mopped, set the lights and as the saying goes the stage was set....

Elaine from SilverDell, welcomed the huge audience that filled Lowther each member of the audience was given a signed copy of Julian's latest novel "Devil in Disguise", Sue from Silverdell was behind the scenes ensuring that all ran smoothly.

Peter Taylor was first on stage, he thanked us all for our attendance, for our very much needed support of Lowther and then he introduced Julian...

Julian regaled us with tales of "Fanny the Wonder Dog", "The Joan Collins Fan Club", affairs at "Strictly Come Dancing" and so much more including reading some seriously entertaining excerts from his novel.

Peter Taylor did, as we all knew he would the most brilliant "Parkinson" impression ever seen, he was quite wonderful, utterly entertaining yet completely in charge, not easy with a guest as excellent if not just little tricky as Julian Clary, well done Peter, we were very proud of you.

Sue & Elaine do such a fabulous job of organising these literary extravaganzas and it's great that this sort of thing also helps to support local businesses and of course Lowther.

After the conversation Julian added messages to the signed books and had his picture taken with members of the audience, a great night was had by all.

Peter Taylor was first on stage, he thanked us all for our attendance, for our very much needed support of Lowther and then he introduced Julian...

Julian regaled us with tales of "Fanny the Wonder Dog", "The Joan Collins Fan Club", affairs at "Strictly Come Dancing" and so much more including reading some seriously entertaining excerts from his novel.

Peter Taylor did, as we all knew he would the most brilliant "Parkinson" impression ever seen, he was quite wonderful, utterly entertaining yet completely in charge, not easy with a guest as excellent if not just little tricky as Julian Clary, well done Peter, we were very proud of you.

Follow this link to find out about Friends of Lowther Pavillion.
SilverDell really are the best book shop in the world, P.S. Our Book Club, Richard & Judy is now going to be on next Wednesday we believe.
I think he is a brilliant ad lib artist although some of his costumes were shall we say a little questionable. The Norman Lamont moment made me roll up!! Can't see what all the fuss was about.