Wild Wedding Bouquet in Lavender, Violet, Sage Green & Ivory

This bouquet has been designed for a beach wedding in a couple of months. If you'd like to see the full wedding posting which took place two months after this trial bouquet was created just click on this LINK
This is a trial design created for Becky today, we've talked about using natural rope binding on the handle or some of the bridal gown fabric.

I've included fresh Lily of the Valley, Lissianthus, Panicum, Blue Bells, Alchemilla Mollis, Forget me Not, Helebores and Sweet Peas.

We've photgraphed this wild sea washed wedding bouquet on a plank table in the front window .

This is a Link to the actual wedding bouquet and the full flower story of the day


alicia.. said…
Such a fun bouquet! I love it!
Ali said…
fantastic designing.these bouquet are so amazing.

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